Nicolas Barnich Death, Clermont Auvergne Uni. Prof. died at age 47

Nicolas Barnich

Nicolas Barnich, a Clermont Auvergne University professor at has passed away, he was 47  years old. His passing leaves an immense void in the scientific community and in the hearts of his loved ones. Barnich was a dedicated member of AFA Scientific Committee for six years and a dedicated and respected teacher-researcher. He was the leader of the M2iSH joint research unit (UMR1071 Inserm/UCA) at Clermont Ferrand and a seasoned researcher.

His and his team’s nearly two decades of study led to the discovery of a specific inflammatory bacteria, E. Adhero-invasive coli (AIEC), in Crohn’s disease. This was a key development in which the AFA played a vital role.

Who Is Nicolas Barnich?

A former UCA student, he had excelled academically at INSA Lyon and IUT Clermont Auvergne’s departments of biological engineering. Following a fellowship in post-doctoral studies in the United States, he was hired by the IUT to teach molecular biology and microbiology.

Renowned worldwide for his expertise in microbiology, he led the M2iSH joint research unit (UMR1071 Inserm/UCA) for about a decade. His coworkers and pupils recall him as a gentle, modest individual who was always willing to listen. With his combination of scientific brilliance and relatability, Nicolas left his mark on a number of national and worldwide scientific networks.

We express all our affection to his loved ones, particularly to his children, his wife, his parents and his brother. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time.

Nicolas Barnich Death, Clermont Auvergne Uni. Prof. died at age 47
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