Alice Frost Loudoun County, VA Missing: Freedom High School Student has been found safe

Alice Frost Loudoun County, VA Missing: Freedom High School Student has been found safe

Alice Frost Loudoun County, VA, has been found safe. She was reported missing in a social media post on Facebook, but has been found safe. The family took out time to thank everyone who contributed to giving both informational and financial help that helped them find their daughter.

This information about her safe return to her family was provided by her father on his Facebook wall. The post reads, “UPDATE: FOUND SAFE! Thank you community, so grateful!

Please help me find my 15 year old daughter, Alice Frost. She didn’t come home from school yesterday and none of her friends have seen her. If you see her, please call the Loudoun County Sheriff’s office at 703-777-1021 or my cell 703-568-7086.

She goes to Freedom High School in South Riding. She was wearing a grey T-shirt, black shorts, white socks, Birkenstocks, and a black Vans backpack when she left for school yesterday morning.” -Megan Fitzpatrick Frost


Alice Frost Loudoun County, VA Missing: Freedom High School Student has been found safe
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