Pat Rogers Boston Police Death: Boston Finest died by suicide in 2013 – Pat Rogers BPD

Pat Rogers Boston Police Death: Boston Finest died by suicide in 2013 - Pat Rogers BPD

Despite the tragedy, the second season of the show, which Donnie Wahlberg produced, is scheduled to premiere tonight. Last week, a Boston Police Officer who frequently appeared on the show passed himself, allegedly by taking his own life.

What happened?

The tragic death of Officer Pat Rogers was grieved by members of the Boston Police Department around one week prior to the show’s scheduled return. Rogers, a resident of Dorchester who worked for the police for more than eight years, is regarded as “tough as any cop on the street,” but he also has a terrific sense of humor and is laid back when not on duty. On the TNT series, Rogers was paired with Jenn Penton, one of the primary topics of the show, and the two of them cruised the city.

More information about Pat Rogers Boston PD Suicide

But on November 22, Rogers was named as the law enforcement official who committed suicide by the Boston Globe in a story that looked at the pressures of the job and the wider issue of “cop suicide.”Wahlberg was scheduled to present a sneak peek at the upcoming season of the show at the Revere Hotel last week, along with Mayor Tom Menino and department officials. However, the event was canceled upon hearing of Rogers’ passing.

Rogers’ death’s circumstances were requested, but the Boston Police Department did not respond right away. The TNT drama’s producer, Mark Wahlberg, tweeted last week about the death of a cast member, but he did not specify which character it was.

Pat Rogers Boston Police Death: Boston Finest died by suicide in 2013 – Pat Rogers BPD
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