Accident; Lee Hansche, Vertical Dreams Manchester manager died on May 21 in climbing accident

Lee Hansche,

Lee Hansche, the Vertical Dreams, Manchester, New Hampshire, manager was involved in a climbing accident on Tuesday, May 21, where he passed away. Lee was 46 years old. His passing is a seismic shock to the very perimeter of the greater climbing community. His sphere of influence scribed a large radius. He put so much love, positivity, empathy and patience into his interactions with others. He was described by his loved ones as brilliant, funny, clever, kind, and caring.

According to the statement released on his page, “Lee was the brightest star and light I have ever encountered. He put so much love, positivity, empathy and patience into his interactions with others. He was brilliant, funny, clever, kind, caring… the list goes on. His light touched so many, and changed so many lives for the better. He was an absolutely amazing human.”

What Happened?

Lee Hansche was said to have been setting routes indoors at the climbing gym when the accident had happened. He was pronounced dead at the scene. His loved ones said Hansche lived more in his short 46 years than most people could live in two lifetimes. He put in 110% into everything he did.


Loved ones are mourning the passing of Lee Hansche and are sharing tributes on social media. According to Jamie Cunningham of Franconia, New Hampshire, “I am not qualified to list all the positive things Lee has done in his lifetime as first ascensionist, mentor to many, podcaster with his dear friend Jay Knower, and his towering, yet compassionate, leadership. All I can tell you is I feel gut punched. Even as one who orbited in the outer rings of his life. I can’t imagine the disbelief and profound grief for those family and friends who most rock his world. He certainly rocked our world.

Mostly I offer my deepest condolences to Lee’s dear wife Torri. The collective climbing community embraces you with love and comfort. Lee leaves us with a proud legacy and as a shining star of a human being. Lee we love you for all you brought, heart and soul, to everyone you touched. We feel your gravitational pull like the moon tonight shining bright in your honor.”

Accident; Lee Hansche, Vertical Dreams Manchester manager died on May 21 in climbing accident
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